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"Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake, baker's man.
Bake me a cake as fast as you can.
Pat it and roll it and mark it with 'B'
And put it in the oven for Baby and me."


I keep a register of all my babies and each one has its own unique identity number which I print on the body and then issue a birth certificate that reflects that special number. When I hand a baby over to a customer it is dressed beautifully and complete with nappy and blanket. I love this new art form and I am sure you will agree that the results are astounding.

Comparison of sizes: (left to right: 19, 22 and 17 inch)

Click on each photo to see enlargement. Click here to visit our Facebook page to see many more photos.

Sharlamae Livia
Gemma Nod
Cozy Boy Anna
Fei Yeng Honey
Meg Raine (20 inch)
Shyanne Honey
Elodie Maya
Jonathan (20 inch) Jette (20 inch)
Savannah (19 inch) Huggy Bear (20 inch)
Jill Mix and Max Twins Noah (20 inch)
Cozy (20 inch) Holly (20 inch)
Lana (18 inch) Dumplin (18 inch)
Kaelin (16 inch) Phyllis (20 inch)
Nod (16 inch prem) Full body girl or boy, or soft body option Honey (20 inch)
Vivien (20 inch) Toddler Emma (28 inch) and Noah (20 inch)
Blinkin (16 inch prem) Full body or soft body Nele (20 inch)
Kellie (20 inch) Sopie awake (20 inch)
Finn (20 inch) Lana (18 inch)
Molly (20 inch) Sophie (20 inch)
Moby (20 inch) Shyanne (20 inch)
Faith (20 inch) Robyn (20 inch)
Honey-Grace (20 inch) Tayla
Robyn (20 inch) Sera (20 inch)
Josie (20 inch) Alina (22 inch)
Sam (20 inch) Joey (20 inch)
Kylin (20 inch) Belly plate

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